Sultan Adam Forest Park, South Kalimantan Is the conservation area that its exsistence is treathened. Economic valuation is a toot that can be used as a consideration to conserve it. One of the aspects to value is fishery. Sensus was carried out to calculate the number of floating-nets/cage-cultures (kerambas) in waters of Dam and River of Riam Kanan and the number of restaurants utilizing
water from irrigation channel to nurture and or rear fish. Data on species, production,and price of fish in board or ready to consume was obtained from interview. From 902 dan kerambas held by 139 owners and 533 river kerambas of 53 owners, the economic value of forest park was Rp. 8.791.671.250/year. Fish nurtured of reared in Dam kerambas were nila (nile tilapia) and mas (common carp), but in river kerambas were nila, lele (walking catfish), baung (freshwater catfish), jelawat (sultan fish) and bawal air tawar (black pacu), From 17 restaurants presparing fish as main menu, the economic value of forest park was Rp.926.777.000/year. Fish were nila, mas, patin (siver catfish) and gouramy. The value was