This research aimed to identify and analyze the infl uence of kaizen which
consist of seiri (X1), seiton (X2), seiso (X3), seikestu (X4), and shitsuke (X5)
as independent variables either simultaneously or partially to the employees’
performance (Y) as dependent variable at PT Fumakilla Indonesia, Banjarmasin
The instrument used in this research was questionnaire and then it distributed to
all production employees (105 people) at PT Fumakilla Indonesia, Banjarmasin
Unit based on a sample census. The variable measured by using Likert Scale from
1 to 5. Multiple linear regression analysis also used to determine the effect of
independent variables, namely seiri (X1), seiton (X2), seiso (X3), seikestu (X4),
and shitsuke (X5) to the dependent variable, that is employees’ performance (Y)
simultaneously or partially.
The results indicate that kaizen which consist of seiri (X1), seiton (X2), seiso
(X3), seikestu (X4), and shitsuke (X5) simultaneously affect the employees’
performance (Y). Whereas, as partially, only seiri (X1), seiton (X2), and seiso
(X3) signifi cantly have infl uence to the employees’ performance, whereas seikestu
(X4) and shitsuke (X5) have no signifi cant influence.