Indonesia's national development basically aims to create a complete Indonesian people. A
complete human being is someone who not only emphasizes external interests and abilities such as
food, housing, clothing, and abundant material wealth, but also a human being who is mentally,
with character, calm, safe, free of expression, fearing God, practicing human values, striving for
excellence. for the welfare of society, so that there is harmony, harmony and balance between
material and spiritual interests. This is in accordance with the objectives of character education,
namely the mastery of a set of skills that reflect the mastery of knowledge, beliefs, values,
commitments, and competencies that reflect the character and culture of humans and Indonesian
society as a whole.
Talking about the concept of local cultural education, Banjar is known as river culture, where
the concept of environment and life on water and as daily necessities. The implementation of
education implemented in elementary schools provides an introduction through Android-based
technology and fosters local cultural values in their environment. SD-IT Hunafa is the only Nature
School in Banjarmasin which was built on the edge of a river in the city of Banjarmasin.
implementation of educational values that are very thick with the existing river culture.
This research will be conducted with a qualitative descriptive method using ethnographic
methods. The purpose of this research is to implement analyzing the concept of local culture of
local traditional arts which contains the values of Banjar traditional arts and culture education. The
specialization of this research was carried out to instill, deepen and sharpen the values of local
cultural education so that the results of the implementation were obtained in the interest of fostering
an attitude of concern for the preservation of traditions through the arts of local cultural traditions.
This research was conducted at SD-IT Hunafa Banjarmasin as one of the nature schools located in
North Banjarmasin with a nature and river culture school nuance.
Keywords: Implementation, River culture education, Android-based local cultural.