Poliq' A4UI in lctbeling lrulal .food product aints.for etxsure authentici4; ltalal foctd consumptiott a
nesia. This polia, certifications halal corer entire tetiloOt the state Indonesia. Banjannasin cir..a one..'
certificatiort halal food pt'oduct ort restaurant and store scll .food. Research metlrcd used a qualitative ap;;.; -
of discourse Analysis. Data collection techniques used a tltick descriptionwhile data analvsis a used intera::- .
grootes that is data collection, data reduction, data presentotiotl and conclusion continuouslrv until sotlo'oi,-.
couse communiq,* divided two: .first, conrntunity lack confidence to lobeling halal which communig' contiturc
lioned although labeling halal still in process; second comtnmtiq'tend lack care labeling halal to sone.fooe :'
halal assume matters lfUl.Suggestion a necessary: sociali:ation labeling halalfood at all circle connrunir