Makalew, Anna Maria; Prihatiningtyas, Eva; Rezekiah, Arfa Agustina; Rosidah, Rosidah
Biodiversity of wetlands in Tabukan District South Kalimantan
Province is very large. One of them is weeds which locally named Purun
Tikus (Eleocharis dulcis). Previous study showed that the potential purun
in Muara Pulau Village Tabukan District was about 9450 m2. However, the
income gained by the forest community was considered very low. This step
of study activities were to set up added value so that the community could
gain more income from purun. Application of technology, through coloring
and stabilator treatment, and helping in marketing, brought significant
increasing of income. Utilization of purun could also reduce the plant
population. The next study would search the potency of purun to absorb
toxic elements in wetlands and rice lowlands. It is expected that this
research results could be applied in other purun areas.