This paper aims to examine the implementation of inclusive
character education for children with special needs in regular
schools. In learning, children with special needs have different
characters and modalities than normal learners. Therefore,
approaches, methods, techniques, and learning tactics tailored to the
learning needs to be meaningful for children with special needs and
learners in general. The Regulation of the Minister of National
Education No. 70 of 2009 on Inclusive Education aims to provide
the widest opportunity to all students who have physical, emotional,
mental and social disabilities or have the potential of intelligence
and / or special talents to obtain quality education according to their
needs and abilities. Inclusive character education can be realized by
actualizing the value of rahman-rahim characterized by childfriendly
learning. Implementation of inclusive character education
in regular schools is characterized by child-friendly learning,
empathy, learning centered on learners, and learning according to
the learning needs of learners. Schools need to assess and identify
the needs of learners, complementing infrastructure facilities that
are child-based with special needs and school-friendly accessibility.
Thus, the curriculum, learning, interaction, and assessment of
learning will be tailored to the needs of learners with special needs.
This is the true value of the character, the learning that respects the