This A person can interact with communication;
communication can be established well if there is a two-way
interaction or someone has the ability not only in expressive
language but also in expressive language. Autistic children have
limitations which are shown by the inability to express
themselves effectively, so the child feels pressured to be able to
express. Limitations of language skills can also cause emotions
for children with autism because autistic children cannot express
their wishes through communication messages. This study aims
to improve the expressive language skills of autistic children in
Banjarmasin SDLB YPLB through the use of the PECS (Picture
Exchange Communication System) method. The method used in
this study is a quasi-experimental design with a time series design
(O1 O2 O3 O4 X O5 O6 O7 O8). Subjects in this study were
autistic students of grade IV SDLB YPLB in Banjarmasin. Data
collection techniques use tests and documentation. Data collection
instruments use verbal instructions and documentation tools.
Data analysis techniques in this study used descriptive statistical
data analysis. From the results of the expressive language ability
of students at pre-test results obtained O1 = 27.5 O2 = 32.5 O3 =
32.5 and O4 = 35. After being given treatment using the PECS
method to improve the ability of expressive language can be seen
from the activities of students during the learning process using
the PECS method looks very enthusiastic and active. While the
expressive language ability of students increased during the posttest
with the results of O5 = 82.5 O6 = 87.5 O7 = 95 and O8 = 100.
The ability of students to be seen from students can answer
questions starting from exchanging objects that have been
provided, mentioning, showing, up to composing several pictures
to form collapsed sentences. Thus it can be concluded that the use
of PECS media can improve the expressive language ability of
grade 4 autistic children in Banjarmasin SDLB YPLB.
Keywords—PECS method; expressive language; children with