One of the main goals of historical education in Indonesia is to build Indonesian nationalism. In practice, historical learning is "falling into" the cognitive domain: represent of facts, names of characters, or years of events, eventually 'spirit' of historical learning has not been strong in character and national building. It is Needed an innovative historical learning. In building nationalism, historical local content is the starting point of nationalism understanding. Indonesian nationalism is built on the beautiful Indonesian mosaic of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Organization Musyawaratutthalibin in South Borneo has built education based on Islamic persfective. So that it has managed to build a human characfer of Islamic as well as soulless Indonesian nationalism. Musyawaratutthalibin is a local organization that proves that Islamic education with local scale is able to build people of Islamic character and strong national consciousness. Historical learning with local history content has an important role in building Indonesian nationalism.