At the mayoral election 2015 year in banjarmasin city, shows an increase political participation townspeople compared presidential election amount 1.68%. Nevertheless level of political participation townspeople in banjarmasin city when compared with other district south kalimantan province is the lowest. Since postpolitical reform voter attendance rate to the polls not significant only ranged between 63-65%, with voter absence range between 35-37%.
Political participation townspeople in election of the head regional simultaneous 2015 year in banjarmasin city show voter absence is evenly distributed in five subdistrct.
Characteristics vofers who are not present i.e: individuals have jobs,
educated between senior high schoot - scholar degree, married status, active former in politic, individuals outside the polling place. The influencing factors
political patrticipation townspeople i.e: psychological factors, factors of the regional head election system, policy factors, information access factor, and pressure
factor. Suggestion for improvement political participation townspeople i.e: the formation of conscius group chooce and voting place in household based.
Keywords : potitical participation,townspeople, simultaneous regional head elections