Repo Dosen ULM

Priority for Tourism Development in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province

Show simple item record Muzdalifah, Muzdalifah Rahmini, Noor Nuryadin, Rusmin Rahayu, Dewi Fahrianor, Fahrianor 2023-06-09T00:01:36Z 2023-06-09T00:01:36Z 2022-10
dc.description.abstract The Covid-19 pandemic is a health problem that has a wide impact on society and the economy that occurs on a local and international scale, Banjar Regency as one of the regencies in South Kalimantan Province is also experiencing the same thing. The economy in 2019 grew positively by 4.51 percent, in 2020 it contracted by -1.96 percent and in 2021 it began to improve, growing 3.21 percent although it was not the same as the situation before the pandemic. The biggest contributors to the economy of Banjar Regency come from the Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Sector, and the Wholesale and Retail Trade sector; Repair of Cars and Motorcycles, whose growth also contracted during the Pandemic. Based on BPS data (2022) there are 5 types of tourism objects in Banjar Regency, namely Religion and Pilgrimage, History and Culture, Artificial and Educational, Culinary and Agrotourism as well as Nature and recreation. For the development of tourism objects as an effort to improve the regional economy, it is necessary to prioritize which objects to choose in the midst of limited sources of regional funds, so that through this research it will be answered which sectors have the potential to be developed based on their carrying capacity through 4 A + I (Attraction, amenity). , accessibility, ancillary services and Institutions). Data in this study, primary and secondary data were collected by interviewing key informants and documentation techniques sourced from publications from the Central Statistics Agency and other related institutions/institutions. The method used to analyze tourism development priorities as an alternative to economic potential in Banjar Regency is carried out using Process Hierarchy Analysis (AHP), first developed by Thomas L. Saaty, AHP is designed to rationally capture people's perceptions that are very closely related to certain problems through procedures designed to arrive at a preference scale among various sets of alternatives. (Saaty, 1993). The priority of tourism development is based on the carrying capacity of tourism development based on criteria 4A plus I in Banjar Regency, with the first priority on tourism; Religion and Pilgrimage, Nature and Recreation, History and Culture, Culinary and Agrotourism, and Artificial Education. Based on the results of this AHP analysis, the Banjar Regency Government can prioritize the use of funding sources for the development of Religious and Pilgrimage tourism, Banjar Regency known as the City of Santri and also Veranda of Mecca has a magnet in the tourism sector such as Haul Guru Sekumpul, Syekh Arsyad Al Banjari known as Datu Kelampayan in Banjar Regency which is able to bring many people to come and visit, en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject Keywords: Tourism, Religion, Banjar, AHP en_US
dc.title Priority for Tourism Development in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province en_US
dc.type Presentation en_US

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