Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn) is one of the less favored subjects by students because of the materials that exist in Civics according to their elusive, learning is still glued to the book the presentation of the material is more often using methods lecture by explaining the theories just so learning become ineffective in fostering student activity and a negative impact on student learning outcomes. It is seen from the results of the pretest were conducted by researchers at the fourth grade material globalization Alalak SDN South 2 North Banjarmasin which has an average value of only 6.4 and individual mastery 27.78 96 (10 of 36 students) with KKM 70. One effort to overcome these problems by using the model of Problem Based Learning in order to enhance student learning outcomes. This research is a classroom action researc , and the setting in the SDN Alalak Banjarmasin South 2 North, fourth grade students numbering 36 men with 26 men and 10 women in the second semester of academic year 2011/201Z The research instrument used was a written test at the end of the meeting and the end of the cycle, Interpretation of data analysis based on the calculation of the frequency distribution of the percentage scale and a discussion based on mastery learning indicators established curriculum. The results showed that students' learning outcomes, especially on mastery learning in the first cycle of individual mastery by 50 % and the second cycle was 94.44 96, for the classical completeness in the first cycle of 47.22 % and the second cycle was 91.6796. Based on these findings it can be concluded that the model of Problem Based Learning to improve learning outcomes Civics Globalization material through Problem Based Learning Model in the fourth grade students of SDN South Alalak 2 North Banjarmasin.
Keywords : Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PKn), learning outcomes, content globalization, Problem Based Learning Model.