Abstract: Some people argue that the new curriculum, K-13 is not appropriate for English
Language Teaching (ELT). One of the arguments is due to the scientific approach which
should be applied in the K-13 is not quite applicable in ELT classroom since it accommodates
the teaching of sciences. Moreover, English teachers are mostly still questioning on how to
develop the lesson plan required by K-13. This content analysis study tries to extract an
understanding of English lesson planning referring to K-13 which includes the steps of
Observing, Questioning, Experimenting, Associating, and Communicating. The data was
obtained from the 110 out of 550 lesson plans made individually by the undergraduate
students in the Micro Teaching class. During the semester each students are obliged to make
four lesson plans for the teaching practice including drafting and revision, and one lesson
plan for final exam. The focus of the investigation is in the lesson objectives, considering the
A, B, C, and D requirements, and the teaching steps, reviewing the match of the steps with
the lesson objectives and scientific approach steps. The reason of taking the undergraduate
students as the subjects because they are the future teachers who will interact with K-13.
Results shows that the formulation of ‘Behavior’ is not using measurable verbs, and some
steps included do not refer to the lesson objectives and K-13 steps. It is recommended that
the students should be trained to refer to the verbs from Bloom Taxonomy for the lesson
objectives and the activities.
Key words: K-13, lesson plan, lesson objectives, observing, questioning, experimenting,
associating, and communicating