UKGS is a program of oral health services that provide promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative for school-age children in the target schools in order to get a healthy generation. UKGS program running since 1951, but the dental health status at age 12 is still not satisfactory. Results of RISKESDAS in 2007, the prevalence of caries in Indonesia is 67.2 %, the prevalence of active caries at age 12 is 29.8 %, 36.1 % caries experience, RTI is 62.3 %, and only 0.7% of PTI. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of implementation UKGS and the oral health status of pupils in Cempaka Putih Local Health Clinic. Methods: This type of research was an analytic survey with cross sectional approach.
Samples totaling 121 students were taken by using purposive sampling, 10 teachers of UKGS Supervisors, and 1 dentist. Data obtained from interviews and analysis of index examination of DMF-T PUFA, OHIS, and CPITN.
Results: The results of this study for tooth defect was relatively at low levels, caries-free rate was low, the level of oral hygiene is classified as good and the level of periodontal health is good.Conclusion: The results of the
analysis with the Fisher exact test with aconfidence level of 95% indicated there was no significant relationship between UKGS program implementation and the oral health status of pupils (p >0.05).
Keywords: UKGS, DMF-T PUFA, OHIS, and CPITN.