Background: Malocclusion is a big problem in oral health and taking of third position after dental caries and periodontal disease. Malocclusion is deviation in dento-facial growth that may interfere chewing process, swallowing, speech, and facial harmony. The data shows malocclusion prevalence at adolescences was still high, which is in the age group 10-14 years by 29,9 % and the age group 15-24 years by 30,6 %. According to some studies there is a relationship between dental caries and malocclusion especially in teeth crowding.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine differences in caries index between mild malocclusion and
severe malocclusion. Methods: This research was descriptive study with cross sectional analytic. Samples were adolescents (13-17 years old) in Ponpes Darul Hijrah Martapura and randomly selected. The sample were 100
students consisting of 50 adolescents with mild malocclusion and 50 adolescents with heavy malocclusion.
Results: The results showed that adolescents with mild malocclusionin in very low category of caries index had the largest score 1,7 whereas adolescents with severe malocclusions in very high category of caries index had the largest score 36. Conclusion: The conclusion, there was difference of caries index between mild malocclusion and severe malocclusion in adolescents at Darul Hijrah Boarding School Martapura.
Keywords: malocclusion, dental caries, DMF-T index