This research was aimed to obtain plant substances/extracts derived from swamp plants that could be used to control posts, so that the using og syntetic pesticides could also be reduced. After the exploration of swamp plants had been done, the plants were then extracted and tested for their efficacy to army worm (Spodoptera litura F) in a laboratory and to mustard leaf pest in field. Exploration was done by visiting some places and interviewing the local citizen on swamp area of South and Central Kalimanten. Two form & extracts (liquid and compact) were obtained. The liquid extract was then tested in a laboratory to the Spodoptera larvae and the other one was tested in a field to mustard leaf pests. The compact extract used was only derived from eight kinds of plants, i.e. lukut (Patycenum bifurcatum), kapayang (Pangium edule), kalalayu (Enogiosum rubiginosurn) lua (Ficus glomerata), galam (Melaleuca cayuputi), grass minjangan (Chromolaena odora turn), sarigading (Nyctanthes arbotritis) and jingah (Glotha ren gas). The laboratory test results found that out of 59 kinds of plants collected, only 24 kinds of plants showed potential as insecticiede. from galam. lukut bini, sangading and jingah caused mortality of larvae still be under 50%, but foi- other treatment, rumput minjangan, daun kapayang, bar skin of kapayang, lua kalalayu and lukut laki each caused mortality of larvae above 50%, that is each 98,3%, 95%, 91.7%, 76,7%, 73,3%, and 53,3% while controlling insecticide from lambda sihalotrin caused mortality of larva 96,7%. Resuft of field test & eight solid extracts at treatment of water ( control II) attack intensity reachs is 68,67% and control 45,04%. Lowest attack intensity happened at treatment of solid extract kapayang with kalalayu with attack intensity are 21.99% and 21.89%