The aim of this research are knowing (1) the marketing chanel, (2) the profit of Colossoma macropomum fish culture, (3) the marketing margin. The method used for collecting the data are survey and interview method also purposive sampling method to get sample.
The marketing chanel of Colossoma macropomum in Martapura District concist of three pattern, namely : a. Producer consumer (local) = 13 %, b. producer reail consumer (local) = 301 %, c. Producer collector retailer consumer (local/out of region) = 56 5. The average profit of Colossoma macropomum cultur in the pond in Martapura District for one time production (four month) is Rp. 1.449.250,00 with RCR value 1.30. It means that it has adventages and it is proper to be carried out. The Margin based on the main price for the collector of Colossoma macropomum is 11.71 % and for the retail one is 10.31 %.