The purpose of this study was to identify the business problems of cultivating striped
snakeheads (Channa striata Bloch) in embedded net cages, analyze the feasibility of the
business of cultivating striped snakeheads in net cages and identify the
assumptions/perspectives of the impacts of striped snakehead farming in embedded net cages
on environmental aspects. This study was survey research. Location determination in Bangkau
Village, Kandangan Subdistrict was done purposively because this area was a center for
cultivating striped snakeheads in Hulu Sungai Selatan Regency. The collection of respondent
data in this village was carried out in a census of 20 people from the whole population of
cultivated striped snakeheads in embedded net cages. The identification of problems that
occurred in the business of cultivating striped snakeheads in embedded net cages was done by
descriptive analysis in the field. The analysis used was the calculation analyze business
feasibility used the analysis of Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net BCR)
and Internal Rate Return (IRR), while to know the effect on environmental aspects, it was done
by identifying and analyzing the description of population rescue. The results showed that the
farmers’ problems were the lack of availability of seeds, the fluctuations in the selling price of
fish and domestic fish, which could be attacked by scabies. The business of cultivating striped
snakeheads in embedded net cages in Bangkau Village, Kandangan Subdistrict, Hulu Sungai
Selatan Regency was feasible to be carried out in accordance with the results of analysis namely
Net Present Value 4,943,337, Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net BCR) 2.29 and Internal Rate Return
(IRR ) amounting to 51.53%. This effort influences the assumption of rescuing striped
snakehead fish populations from this cultivation is 48.75%.