Waterthyme (Hydrilla verticillata) has a rapid growth rate in freshwater, especially rivers and
irrigation channels, hence it becomes a disturbing factor and needs periodic cleaning.Dry H. verticillata
contains nitrogen of 3.29%, phosphorus of 0.52%, and potassium of 6.34%.The utilization of H. verticillata as
compost has great potential, but there has not been found intensive research on the subject.This study aimed to
examine the ability of H. verticillata as an alternative raw material for compost fertilizer in the bok
choygrowth.This study used a Randomized Complete Block design (RCB) with a single factor by analyzing the
data using ANOVA and continued with further tests using Least Significant Different (LSD).P0 (control) was
100% soil, P1100% cow manure, P2 100% waterthyme, and P3 50% waterthyme + 50% cow manure.Bok Choy
have optimal growth (88 g plant mass, 5g root mass) in compost applications with a composition of 100%
waterthyme (H. verticillata) with a moisture content of 21.24%, pH 8.50, C 9.09%, C/N ratio 4.07, N 2.25%, P
1.38%, K 1.38%, and organic matter 15.67%