The high diversity of plants in Indonesia provides many benefits for the community, one of
which is the use of plants as traditional medicines so that the prospects for rnedicinal plant agroindustry
in lndonesia are very large. The exploitation of forests and land for plantation and
rnining activities in North Barito District is currently threatening the existence of the tabat barito
as one of the plants that live in the forest. The objectives of this study were to identify the
microhabitat characteristics of barito tabat in its native habitat. Tabat barito was found to live
attached to 2 types of host trees, namely kuyum bakei trees (Elaeocarpus sp. ) and kacuhui trees
(Shorea sp.). These two types of host plants have similarities in terms of habitat where they
grow and similar trunk characteristics, namely thick, grooved bark, easily cracked and porous
and can peel. The microclimatic conditions measured were elevation 29 - 64, ternperature range
32 - 33.1 "C, relative humidity 58 - 67% and light intensity 394-732 lux.