ndonesia is known as a storehouse of medicinal plants (herbal) called live
laboratory, but unfortunately 78% of medicinal plants were taken directly
from the forest. The cultivation of medicinal plants until present day is only
20%. In order to prevent the extinction and commercialization of medicinal
plants it is essential to develop the cultivation of medicinal plants either
exstitu The process of domestication of wild plants into crops by planting in
the new habitat. The preparation of planting of medicinal plants need to attent
the technical aspects, especially the abiotic environment such as; temperature,
humidity, and light intensity. Based on that, as an the first initial step in order
domestication of some medicinal plants of Malinau and Harakit in South
Kalimantan, it is necessary to do a study on the microclimate them, so that
later can be developed elsewhere, with the micro-climatic conditions can be
created like in their natural habitat. the results showed herbs grown at an
altitude of 132-223 m above sea level, has a micro climate is very variable,
temperature of 28-41°C, humidity 53-89%, and light intensity 1-100%.
Manggarsih (Parameria laevigata (Juss.) Moldenke) is located on the
highest point (oil palm plantations), with high temperatures, low humidity and
high light intensity, while kayu sisil (Litsea sp) and bayuan (Coptosapelta
tomentosa Korth.) near the riverbank, with altitude low temperature and low
light intensity and high humidity. Meanwhile pikajar (Schizaea digitata (L)
Sw.) and pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia) with a wider spread of habitat,
with an interval of temperature, humidity and light intensity were great.
Tambar bisa (Clausena excavata Burm.f.) can be found at the site of lowest to
highest, but humidity should be high and low light intensity. Akar waring
(Coptosapelta tomentosa Valeton ex K.Heyne) was f