Conflict resolution theorists have recognised the necessity of addressing conflict resolution
within the domestic sphere of nations on a global scale in its present state of advancement. One example
is Indonesia, a country characterised by a propensity for conflicts in rural regions that are primarily
driven by agricultural and plantation activities. The primary objective of conducting research on
conflict resolution among wetland farmers is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics
of conflict interactions among these individuals, as well as to examine the strategies and approaches
employed by wetland farmers in effectively resolving conflicts that arise within wetland areas. The
chosen research methodology employs a qualitative approach, specifically the phenomenological
variant, and incorporates an interactive model for data analysis. The findings indicated that a conflict
resolution initiative was initiated by the sharecroppers in the rice field planting limit, without the
participation of traditional leaders, the head of the neighbourhood association, or the local village head.
The paddy field farmers employ traditional methods to address conflicts within their community. The
results of this study indicate that conflict resolution among rural rice field farmers in the context of
paddy rice planting is predominantly characterised by traditional patterns rather than modern ones.
This entails that farmers rely on established decision-making practises to address conflicts related to
rice planting limits in their fields. These conflicts typically involve individual owners of rice fields and
intermediaries engaged in the buying and selling of such fields. This study proposes the enhancement
of conflict resolution strategies among wetland farmers through the implementation of district
government policies and village regulations that prioritise the preservation of the cultural practises
associated with conflict resolution within the wetland farming community. The implications for the
sustainability of rice production by wetland farmers are influenced by the reinforcement of district
government policies and village regulations
Conflict resolution theorists have recognised the necessity of addressing conflict resolution
within the domestic sphere of nations on a global scale in its present state of advancement. One example
is Indonesia, a country characterised by a propensity for conflicts in rural regions that are primarily
driven by agricultural and plantation activities. The primary objective of conducting research on
conflict resolution among wetland farmers is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics
of conflict interactions among these individuals, as well as to examine the strategies and approaches
employed by wetland farmers in effectively resolving conflicts that arise within wetland areas. The
chosen research methodology employs a qualitative approach, specifically the phenomenological
variant, and incorporates an interactive model for data analysis. The findings indicated that a conflict
resolution initiative was initiated by the sharecroppers in the rice field planting limit, without the
participation of traditional leaders, the head of the neighbourhood association, or the local village head.
The paddy field farmers employ traditional methods to address conflicts within their community. The
results of this study indicate that conflict resolution among rural rice field farmers in the context of
paddy rice planting is predominantly characterised by traditional patterns rather than modern ones.
This entails that farmers rely on established decision-making practises to address conflicts related to
rice planting limits in their fields. These conflicts typically involve individual owners of rice fields and
intermediaries engaged in the buying and selling of such fields. This study proposes the enhancement
of conflict resolution strategies among wetland farmers through the implementation of district
government policies and village regulations that prioritise the preservation of the cultural practises
associated with conflict resolution within the wetland farming community. The implications for the
sustainability of rice production by wetland farmers are influenced by the reinforcement of district
government policies and village regulations