Background: Priapism is defined as a prolonged erection of the penis lasting over 6 hours in the absence of sexual
stimulation. Priapism is divided into two types, Low-Flow (ischemic priapism) and High-Flow (trauma). This case study aims
to evaluate penile gangrene as a priapism sequele due to Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) as the first report in Indonesia.
Case Presentation: A 45-years old male patient admitted at Muara Teweh hospital before referred to Ulin Hospital presented
with Fournier gangrene with unconfirmed leukemia as comorbidities used in this case report. In his medical history, “Snake
Maneuver Shunting” has been carried out in this patient as an indication for priapism lasting more than 24 hours.
Conclusion: Hyperleukocytosis is thought to be the cause of priapism in patients with leukemia. Leukostasis is the most
common medical emergency seen on CML patients in blast crisis