The tourism geography course is an elective course presented in semester 5 for
students of the Geography Study Program at the Lambung Mangkurat University
Banjarmasin, this course presents content-based contextual material. The content of the
material about the natural potential and cultural potential of an area in the tourism
geography course will be more concrete and easier to understand if the material is delivered
with the help of documentary films with the theme of regional tourism potential. The aims
of this research are to (1) design documentary film media to be used as a support for
learning tourism geography courses for regional tourism potential; (2) know the feasibility
of documentary film media to be used as a support for learning tourism geography courses
for regional tourism potential; and (3) know student learning outcomes and student
responses to documentary film media used as a support for learning tourism geography
courses for regional tourism potential. The technique collection of the data is divided into
two stages: (1) Pre Production, and (2) Production. An increase in the value of mastery of
the material from the pretest score of 26.92% of students increased to 92.51% of the posttest
value. Student responses to documentary films as audiovisual interactive media are
considered good. As can be seen from the response indicator value, the average response
value is more than 80%. The use of documentary film media for regional tourism potential
is generally favored by students.