Based on data from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of South Kalimantan Province (2018), the total disaster incidence in the South Kalimantan Region in 2017 was 381 disaster events. There were 54 flood disasters and in 2020 there were 6,670 houses affected and 11,269 people displaced and lack of clean water in Banjar Regency. Based on the 2018 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) it was shown that in Banjar Regency the use of clean water per person per day was 2.41%. And the comparison of the use of clean water that is less due to the lack of clean water sources between urban 1.90% and rural 2.50% is approximately only 0.6% different. The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of lithology or rock types contained therein, land conditions, the effect of water management on the availability of clean water in flood-prone areas and mining. Descriptive quantitative research to analyze land and water conditions. The results of this study are geoelectric measurements in Astambul District which state that in Kaliukan Village it is a water-passing aquifer (aquifer) which is good in quantity and groundwater looks cloudy (133.53 m). In the physical measurement of water in Keliukan Village, the values of pH, TDS, conductivity, turbidity, Do and temperature are in accordance with the standards.