Village Papuyu is a papuyu cultivation area in Banjar Regency, which has the potential to produce organic waste
that can contaminate the surrounding waters. It is necessary to conduct research to determine the quality of water
in the water where the aquaculture waste is disposed of by using the pollution index method and phytoplankton
bioindicators. The research was conducted from March to April 2022, by taking plankton samples and physico-
chemical parameters at 5 stations in the cultivation area. The results obtained are that the condition of the waters in
the water bodies of aquaculture waste disposal is categorized as lightly polluted based on a pollution index of
3.1685 with parameters that do not comply with quality standards, namely color, ammonia and phosphate, and the
moderately polluted category seen from the phytoplankton diversity index (H'). that is equal to 1.7055.
Phytoplankton qualitative analysis obtained 20 species, consisting of 3 phytoplankton phyla, namely Cyanophyta
(2 species), Chlorophyta (9 species), and Chrysophyta (9 species).