Anthropogenic activities have increased the flux of nitrogen and phosphorus from the terrestrial into the mangrove water system causing an increase in water fertility. The aim of this study was to analyze the water quality and fertility status of mangrove aquatic ecosystems at low tide in Pagatan Besar Village, Tanah Laut District, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. The four research stations were repeated three times with a distance of 100 meters during high and low tide. Fertility of Mangrove Waters as an Indicator of the Quality of Pagatan Besar Mangrove Waters in terms of the value of water quality parameters. The phosphate and TSS parameters for all stations were above the quality standard, total ammonia and DO at station one were not in accordance with the quality standard stipulated in Permen LH No. 51 of 2004, the correlation parameter of phosphate has a positive and strong relationship, the increase in phosphate values in mangrove waters is always high during high and low tide. Calculation of the TSI (Trophy State Index) these waters have experienced euthanasia.