The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic and the new
normal era which changed all activities to be
integrated with the information technology era made
all parties involved must want to follow along,
including the younger generation, where the younger
generation, now known as Gen Z, is the generation
that is currently of productive age and can be a source
of information. local taxes. Instagram users were
chosen because they have added value compared to
those who do not use social media because the
information dissemination function is more massive so
they can build an image of the importance of local
taxes. The majority of partner locations related to
Instagram users are in the South Kalimantan and
Central Kalimantan regions and are domiciled in
swamp/wetlands. For community service activities, the
z generation was chosen to use Instagram and carry
out activities using the online method with the help of
the zoom application and social media applications to
help connect with partners. The method used is
lectures to deliver material using the zoom application,
consultations using their respective cellphones via
social media and questions and answers to obtain
feedback and interaction with participants so that they
are able to prove they are generation z who
understand the importance of local taxes. After the
activity ended, based on the results of the community
service team's FGD, it was concluded that most of the
participants had understood the importance of local
tax contributions to development, and some
participants had even obeyed and had proven proof of
paying local taxes which they had not been aware of.