This study aims to determine the performance of waste management services in the city of Sampit with the study locations in MentawaBaruHilir Village and Ketapang Village, MentawaBaru Village, District Ketapang, Baamang Hulu Village and Baamang Tengah Village, Baamang District. The factors studied are the completeness of waste management facilities (X1); household garbage collection (X2); frequency of garbage transportation (X3); community participation (X4); and socialization activities on household waste management (X5). This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 100 people in the study area. After that, multiple linear regression analysis was carried out with the SPSS program. From the factors studied, the results are obtained factor of frequency factor of garbage transport the value of regression coefficient 1.348 and probability value 0.007; socialization of household waste management with regression coefficient value of 1.348 and 0.033 probability value; the garbage collection factor of the household regression coefficient value is 1.182 and the probability value is 0.001; factor of completeness of waste management facilities the value of regression coefficient of 0.985 and probability value of 0.021; and community participation factors the value of regression coefficient 0.955 and probability value 0.019.