Voter participation in elections in Indonesia can be seen in the election of the President and
Vice President, the election of the DPR and DPD. While at the local level, there are direct
elections for Regional Heads (Pilkada) at the Provincial and Regency/City levels. In the
Direct Pilkada (Central Kalimantan Governor and Deputy Governor Election) on December
9, 2020, the voter turnout in Kapuas Murung District reached 66.33%. This achievement is
below the provincial target of 70% and the national target of 77.5%. Does this indicate a lack
of public participation in exercising their voting rights in the 2020 Central Kalimantan
Governor and Deputy Governor elections in Kapuas Murung District? This study seeks to
describe the causes of the achievement of the national target of public participation in the
election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan in 2020. The
researcher uses a qualitative approach and the type of descriptive research, data collection
techniques using interviews and documentation, with primary data sources and secondary
data. The results showed that there were 7 factors to see why the Kapuas Murung District did
not achieve the national target in the 2020 Central Kalimantan Governor and Deputy
Governor elections, namely the Covid-19 pandemic factor, the trust factor, the money politics
factor, the education factor, the family environment factor, the work, as well as situational
factors and conditions. These factors are the cause of not achieving the national target in the
2020 election of the Governor and Deputy Governor of Central Kalimantan in Kapuas
Murung District.