This study aims to determine how the coordination of regional disastermanagement agencies in providing logistics and equipment for disastermanagement in Gunung Mas district, Central Kalimantan province,from the elements of time management, synchronization, sharedinterests, and common goals in coordination. The method used in thisresearch is qualitative. Data collection techniques are by usinginterviews, observation, and documentation study. Meanwhile, dataanalysis was carried out through three activity streams which were aninterrelated unit, namely data reduction, data presentation andconclusion drawing. Based on the results of the research, it found thatin the coordination carried out by the Regional Disaster ManagementAgency in the provision of logistics and equipment from the aspects oftime management and timeliness, synchronization, shared interests,and common goals have been well-coordinated by the system. Patternas well as the applicable provisions, namely when pre-disaster,emergency response and post-disaster, the only obstacle in thiscoordination is different lines of command or different work unitsamong other related agencies. This research concludes that thecoordination of the Regional Disaster Management Agency of GunungMas Regency in the provision of logistics and equipment for disastermanagement in Gunung Mas Regency has been well-coordinatedaccording to the existing system and the prevailing patterns andregulations. These obstacles in coordination are greatly influenced bythe lack of understanding from other relevant agencies regarding theirduties, powers and responsibilities for disaster management. The nextinhibiting factor is that the service/agency/other institution does nothave a hierarchical relationship (line of command) due to differentwork units, resulting in less than optimal coordination