Particle board is one form of artificial board with the basic material of wood particles
(sawdust) using auxiliary materials or adhesives, hot and cold pressed to form sheets that have a
certain size according to their function and use. Optimally is to utilize wood waste in the form of
sawdust into particleboard and the materials used in this study are rubber wood powder. The quality
of the particle board for physical properties, namely the moisture content and density, meets the SNI
03-2105-2006 standard with a maximum value of 14% for moisture content, the results obtained are
for A1 (12.17%), A2 (12.07%) , A3 (11.47%). And 0.4 to 0.9 for density standards. with the results
obtained in treatment A1 (0.45 gr / cm3), A2 (0.42 gr / cm3), A3 (0.47 gr / cm3). The results on the
mechanical properties differ from the physical properties, where the results obtained in the MoR
fracture firmness test did not meet the standard with a value of 82 kgf / cm2 SNI 03-2105-2006 while
the results obtained were far from the standard, namely the A1 treatment (12.95 Kgf / cm2), A2
(17.69 Kgf / cm2), and A3 (23.26 Kgf / cm2) as well as the flexural strength of MoE. This is caused
by several factors, namely the sample in the pressing process is not evenly distributed, which affects
the results on mechanical properties, and the test on the sample is too long, causing the temperature
and humidity in the room to affect the value at the time of the test.