The purpose of this study first to recognize the potential of the landscape cave
attractions Batu Hapu with observation at the point where the place has the potential to be
doveloped based on the boreau of land management quidelines, both know the potential of the
attractions of the cave stone hapu using scores and classification referts to the guidelines on
the analysis of the operational areas and natural attraction of the Directorate General of PHKA
2003, the third knows the perception of visitors to the potential that is in the attractions of the
stone Hapu the selection of respondents using incitental sampling using tabulations analysis
and discussed descriptively. Lanscape assessment results included in criterion A ( high quality)
total score 19 with elements that dominate is the form of land and vegetation, assessment of
potential tourism potentials for attractiveness (score 870) and accessibility (score 525) including
eligible criteria, accomodation (score 105) is not feasible, and skores on the assessment of
supporting facilities and infrastucture (score 180) enter criteria eligible. Based on the responses
of visitors who come to declare the uniqueness of the attractions found in the cave (46,67%),
flora (30%) and fauna (23,33%) and in general visitors who come feel happy and interested
visitors to come back.