The Following Frontiers of the ‘Forest City’ Towards
Sustainable and Inclusive Urbanization in Kalimantan and
beyond or Forest City consortium is an example of multi disciplinary research collaboration. This consortium received
financial support from the Indonesia Research Council (BRIN)
and the Netherlands Research Council (NWO) through the
Merian Fund Cooperation Indonesia-The Netherlands on
Regional Planning and Sustainable Urbanization.
The ‘Forest City’ consortium aims to generate and apply
knowledge on the consequences of the city and the future
Indonesian capital city to be built in the forest highlands of
Kalimantan. This research uses multi-dimensional perspectives
to analyze the process and the consequences of the Forest City
development beyond the planned area.
This research also provides information on the first-year
research activities of the Indonesia consortium. Moreover, this
is a part of the knowledge products to inform the consortium
members and the broader public. The consortium members
will also publish other scientific publications.