The business of catfish farming in ponds must be supported by good environmental
conditions so that the growth of catfish can be optimal, but the problem in Banjar Regency, in
general, is acidic water, this can affect catfish production. The purpose of this study is to
analyze the carrying capacity of the environment for catfish culture in ponds. The analysis
used is water quality analysis. The results of the water quality study of Station 1 obtained an
excellent value because the value of important parameters such as Ammonia and DO obtained
the best value. The excellent value if the results from the field data for parameters that are
very influential on catfish cultures such as DO, pH, ammonia, turbidity, and temperature have
values that are in the ideal range based on PP No. 82 of 2001.
Keywords: Carrying capacity; water quality; catfish; pond
Daya dukung lingkungan terhadap
usaha budidaya ikan patin dalam kolam
dengan parameter yang diamati suhu, pH,
turbidity, DO dan amoniak dilihat hasil
analisis kualitas air dari 6 stasiun
pengamatan 5 stasiun menunjukkan nilai
baik, dan 1 stasiun mempunyai nilai
excelent yang termasuk skala usaha kecil.
Usaha budidaya ikan patin dalam kolam di
dukung kualitas air yang bernilai baik dan