The difference in pond area owned by catfish cultivators will result in differences in
pond management so that the wider the pond, the more manpower needed and the
worker specifications required by the cultivators. The purpose of this research is to see
the labor absorption in catfish culture in ponds, as well as the labor value according to
the specifications of the type of work required. The data analysis method uses
descriptive analysis for the amount of labor absorbed and Oppurtunity cost, namely
what benefits the workforce gets in working in catfish farming. Labor absorption in
catfish farming in ponds for large scale businesses requires permanent labor to
maintain the pond. as many as 4 people and harvest labor also requires as many as 8 -
9 people. Medium-scale businesses require 1-3 permanent workers and 5-7 panensian
workers, while small scale businesses do not require permanent workers to maintain the
pond because they are guarded by themselves and require 5-6 harvest workers. The
value of the labor resources absorbed in catfish culture in the pond is Rp.
Keywords: Labor, Cultivation, Catfish
Serapan tenaga kerja di
budidaya ikan patin dalam kolam untuk skala usaha besar memerlukan tenaga kerja
tetap untuk menjaga kolamnya sebanyak 4 orang dan tenaga kerja panen juga
memerlukan sebanyak yaitu 8 - 9 orang. Skala usaha sedang memerlukan 1 – 3 orang
tenaga kerja tetap dan 5 – 7 orang tenaga kerja panensedangkan skala usaha kecil tidak
memerlukan tenaga kerja tetap untuk menjaga kolamnya karena dijaga sendiri dan
memerlukan tenaga kerja panen sebanyak 5 - 6 orang. Nilai sumberdaya tenaga kerja
yang terserap pada budidaya ikan patin dalam kolam sebesar Rp 436.608.000,00.