This study aims to determine the effect of ironwood charcoal powder size on the
effectiveness of biogas purification and generator-set performance. This research
was carried out by flowing biogas from sanitary landfill to biogas purification
insulator containing adsorption media with charcoal varying charcoal size
variations, namely size 20, 30 and 40 mesh, then biogas stored in a storage tube
then flowed to the chamber for CO2 level reading and CH4 uses a gas analyzer.
From this study the following results were obtained: Biogas without charcoal
(CO2 26514.66 ppm and CH4 101.07 ppm), Biogas with a size of 20 mesh (CO2
20270.08 ppm, CH4 458.35 ppm and effectiveness of 23.55%), with a size of 30
mesh (CO2 14273.31 ppm, CH4 658.75 ppm and effectiveness of 46.16%), with a
size of 40 mesh (CO2 12092.66 ppm, CH4 3161.04 ppm and effectiveness of
54.39%). For the results of testing the performance of generator sets using biogas
fuel which has been purified with ironwood charcoal with a size of 40 mesh, ie for
no load, rotation is obtained at 3465.0 rpm, temperature 102 0C, and voltage 240
V (stable), with load 350 W obtained rotation 3203.8 rpm, temperature 236 0C,
and voltage 150-240 V (unstable), with a load of 700 W obtained rotation 3360.9
rpm, temperature 220 0C, and voltage 100-200 V (unstable). Keywords: Biogas
Purification, Variation in Mesh Size, Ironwood Charcoal.
Keywords: Purification of Biogas, Mesh Size Variations, Ulin Wood Charcoal