Peat revegetation is an effort to reduce the rate of areas reduction and the
decreasing of storing capability of carbon and to restore the ecological function of peatlands. The
purpose of this study was to analyze the cost components of peatland revegetation activities and
to analyze the cost of each peat revegetation activity component. The research location taked
place in 2 (two) villages, Haur Gading District, HSU Regency, South Kalimantan. The components
of revegetation costs were grouped into: transportation costs, tools and mateials, payment and
other costs. Data obtained from surveys and field observations and interviews. The data analysis
used were a tabulation matrix and a comparison of each cost component for revegetation
activities from the 2 compared villages. The total cost of Village A peatland revegetation activities
is 10,851,018/ha. The characteristics of the community in Village A are very participatory and
willing to cooperate with outside parties so that revegetation activities in this Village run well. The
very high value of mutual cooperation and the desire to put common interests first became the
basis for their actions. Village B revegetation activity costs Rp.12,117,883.00/ha. The very large
costs involved in the procurement of seedlings due to the addition of 3,500 seedlings/21ha as
replacements for dead, damaged or lost seedlings. The difference in the cost of revegetation
activities is IDR 1,266,865/ha. This shows that a high level of participation and cooperation is able
to reduce the cost of revegetation of peatlands