This researched aims to identify the characteristics of the protected forest area,
analyze the criticality level of the land, and determine the direction of controlling the
criticality level of the land in the protected forest area of the Barabai catchment area,
which part of Batang Alai Sub Watershed, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency. The method
in determining the criticality level of the land uses scoring and weighting
parameters for land cover, slope, erosion hazard level, and management.
The results obtained: 1) The characteristics of protected forest areas in the Barabai
catchment area consist of: a) land cover classified as good on steep slopes, land
cover classified as moderate on quite steep slopes, and classified as poor on flat
slopes b) higher percentage of slopes the lower the criticality level of the land; c) the
classification of the highest level of erosion hazard (medium category) is found at
five sample points; d) The worse management efforts show the impact on the higher
level of critical land; 2) At the research location in the protected forest area of the
Barabai catchment area, the level of critical land variate from moderately critical to
critical; 3) Efforts to control the criticality level of the land that can be carried out:
1) vegetatively through forest and land rehabilitation, groundwater recharge, and
agroforestry; 2) technically through the construction of terraces and sewers; 3)
policies through the land management of protected forest areas.