TheOobjectiveoofithisoresearch is to know theieffectiof castingitemperatureiwith
theokindoof guideomaterial AI alloy junk from pan on hardness (the evaporative
foundry result). Theorecyclingiof usedoaluminumois an alternative tooreduce the
wasteimaterialofromialuminum. Recycling isoa way ofiprocessingiusedimaterials
thatiisostartedowithoselection,icollection, then the process of foundry to create a
new product that is more valuable economical. Casting temperature is an variable
that can effect the result of foundry where if the casting temperature is low, then
there will be a quick freeze before the mold is completely filled. Andoif
theocasting temperatureois tooohigh, thenishrinkageicanioccur anditheiporosity
value mayoincrease. Thisoresearchoused fourocasting temperatureivariations,
namely: 650°C, 700°C, 750°C, and 800°C. The evaporative foundry method uses
styrofoam pattern that is piled up into sand mold. Theimetal thatiis castediwill
form like styrofoam pattern. The resultiof casting temperatureitesting can effect
Keywords: Evaporative, Casting Temperature, Aluminium, Pan