This article defines the effect of temperature on some engineering and consolidation properties of soft soil. The purpose of this research, therefore, was to determine the technical characteristics of soft clay consolidation behavior,
specifically in terms of temperature influence on varying values of soil established mechanical parameters, including
soft soil compression index (Cc), swelling index (Cs), volume change coefficient (mv), consolidation coefficient (Cv),
and the permeability coefficient (k). In this analysis, the use of soft clay in an undisturbed condition was sourced from
a swampy location in South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Also, the temperatures applied to the specimens were
22oC, 40oC, 60oC, and 70oC. The results showed the influence of temperature modifications on soil compressibility,
where extensive heat was responsible for abundant soil compressibility. In addition, the associated parameters,
termed soil compression index value (Cc), consolidation coefficient (Cv), and the swelling index (Cs), observed an
increase by 3%, 33%, and 22%, respectively. Furthermore, existence of high temperatures limited the unstable soil
volume, where the volume change coefficient (mV) tends to decrease by 3%. Also, varying temperatures essentially
altered soil permeability, where the seepage properties of soft clay showed the tendency to increase by 32%, with
rising soil temperature.