This study aimed to describe the planning, implementation, evaluation,
improvement, total quality improvement program and specialised guidance
and counselling services in the Senior High School. Conclusion of the study
is firstly; total quality planning in guidance and counselling services with a
preparatory phase (preparing) and design (designing) that involve various
parties; secondly, the implementation of total quality plan in a special service
counselling program conducted by a team with PDCA principle involving
various components such as parents/families, teachers, and education
personnel staff with coordination and intensive interaction. Evaluation is total
quality in a special service program and guidance is through individual and
group counseling, adherence to the program, the achievement, obstacles and
constraints and involve all components including the parents / families. The
total quality improvement program specialised in guidance and counselling
services in the assessment-based implementation, involving stakeholders,
continuous improvement, repair and improvement of the comprehensive and
expanding services