ABSTRACT: Construction in Banjarmasin City every year there is always development and improvement to
meet the needs of the public, then the Government of Banjarmasin City held a construction incinerator at the
TPA Basirih intending to be able to meet the increasing need to handle medical waste. It is estimated that the
construction of an incinerator for handling medical waste from Sultan Suriansyah Hospital and 26 public health
centers in Banjarmasin City. Every construction project has risks that must be faced, including the construction
incinerator at the TPA Basirih. Realized risk can be a problem that will greatly affect the performance of the
This research discusses the risk management analysis of incinerator development. With risk management
analysis, all risks that may occur in the project can be avoided from financial losses, project delays, and losses
of other implementing parties. For this reason, risk management analysis focuses on the construction
incinerator because this type of construction is not generally handled by the Dinas PUPR Bidang Cipta Karya
Banjarmasin City. From the results of risk acceptance, it can be concluded that there are 10 undesirable risks
and 2 acceptable risks so that the factors risk political, natural and environmental, technical, human, security
and safety including undesirable risk so it’s a mature handler is needed to handle undesirable risk project.
The risk strategy for undesirable risk is based on the level of acceptance of risk is to multiply the frequency of
an event by the impact of the event. Risk strategy actions are taken to reduce and avoid the negative impact of
risks belonging to the dominant risk category. One of the undesirable risks is the lack of security and risk
strategy is measures in the form of adding security personnel and educating the labor side not to commit crimes
while working on construction projects.