People who live on the banks of the Martapura River have diverse habits in managing daily rubbish, such as dumping garbage into Temporary Trash Disposal (TPSS), being burned, or discharged into rivers, because some Large communities still choose to throw trash into the river. The establishment of the independence of young people to be respected and protected by the environmental sustainability of the river. This research using operational research methods. The study began with the formulation of an innovative and creative experiment by the concept of the YORICA (Youth River Cadres) program. The implementation of the YORICA program consists of 5 activities namely Socialization and Discussion (Lidi), film screenings and action, fierce gymnastics (movement and brain training), waste recycling program, and Jali program (protecting the environment).The implementation of socialization and discussion activities (sticks) showed an increase in the knowledge of the cadres in the amount of 21 people (70%). There was a significant increase in knowledge in the activity participants with a p value of 0.027 <0.050. Film and action screenings are supporting activities of the socialization and discussion activities in which a variety of ways and media in the process of delivering information can increase the cadre's understanding, attitudes and behavior towards a better direction. Galak Gymnastics is carried out in between the activities of cadre empowerment as part of familiarizing cadres to carry out physical activities, experiences related to these exercises can be transmitted to the surrounding community. The Incense Program (Waste Recycling) shows that there is an increase in behavior change for the better for the community. Where based on data it is known that an increase in positive behavior by 19 people (19%). The Jali Program (protecting the environment) is the last program in which YORICA cadres are directed to guard their rivers in the ways determined at the discussion stage. The Health Service and Primary Health Service can provide waste collection facilities, as well as the transportation of rubbish from TPS (temporary landfills) to landfill (landfills) at densely populated points and river banks as part of supporting the community not to litter.