the prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia, which was obtained through
measurements at ≥18 years of age at 34.1%, with the highest prevalence in
South Kalimantan at 44.1%. The question in this study is how the knowledge of
hypertension sufferers and family support with hypertension treatment..
Hypertension or high blood pressure is often referred to as the silent killer (silent
killer). Current antihypertensive drugs have been shown to control blood pressure
in hypertensive patients, and also play a major role in reducing the risk of
developing cardiovascular complications. The research design used is a
systematic literature review (SLR) or what in Indonesian is called a systematic
literature review, which is a literature review method that identifies, assesses, and
interprets all findings on a research topic, to answer research questions. The
method used in assessing the quality of the literature uses the Duffy's Research
Appraisal Checklist Approach method. It is known that in the knowledge variable,
20% articles, motivation variables, 40% articles, and family support variables,
20% of journals or research articles that examine these variables and are used
as samples state that there is a relationship between family support and
medication adherence to hypertension sufferers. However, there were also
journals or research articles that stated there was no relationship between family
support and medication adherence to hypertension sufferers. In the knowledge
variable, 20% of the journals or research articles sampled stated that there was a
relationship between knowledge and medication adherence in hypertensive
patients and there were no journals or research articles stating that there was no
relationship between knowledge and medication adherence in hypertensive
patients. In the family support variable, 20% of the journals or research articles
sampled stated that there was a relationship between family support and
medication adherence to hypertension sufferers and there were 2 journals or
research articles which stated that there was no relationship between knowledge
and medication adherence in hypertensive patients.