Analysis of Erosion Hazard Levels using Geospatial Information Systems in a watershed needs to be known so that it does not become dangerous, especially in the Maluka watershed. This study aims to determine the level of erosion hazard in the Maluka watershed using the USLE (equationUniversal Soil Loss Equation), calculate the rate of erosion and determine the level of erosion hazard using Geographic Information System (GIS). The calculation of the erosion rate in this study ranged from 36.83 tons/ha/year to 3,339.71 tons/ha/year. The type of soil with the highest erosion rate is alluvial type with Open Land Cover (OLC) on steep slopes of 3,339.71 tons/ha/year. While the type of soil with the lowest erosion rate is the type of red yellow pedsolic with Plantation Land Cover (PLC) on flat slopes of 36.83 tons/ha/year. The Erosion Hazard Level (EHL) of the Maluka watershed in this study was grouped into low, medium to high. The level of Erosion Hazard on the low criteria has an area of 3,370.44 ha, on the medium criteria it has an area of 402.92 ha, and on the high criteria it has an area of 6.00 ha. From the observed land units, it was found that EHL in the Maluka watershed was dominated by low criteria, namely plantation land cover. Meanwhile, with high EHL criteria, the total area is low, namely in open land cover.