One of the factors causing forest fires is the negligence of the use of fire in land clearing activities in farming. However, the Meratus Dayak community conducts farming activities accompanied by local wisdom with all traditional traditions and rituals so as not to cause fire. The Balawaian Village has the same pattern of land clearing as the pattern commonly carried out by the Meratus Dayak community. This study aims to identify patterns of land clearing activities carried out by the indigenous Balawaian Village based on local wisdom in relation to efforts to prevent forest and land fires. Through in-depth interviews, data processing is done with descriptive qualitative methods, which provide an overview of all the facts obtained in the field. Based on the results of Indigenous Peoples' Local Wisdom Research in Land Opening Activities in Balawaian Village, Tapin Regency, namely the pattern of land clearing carried out by indigenous people in Balawaian Village by slashing and burning or slash and burn followed by rituals and traditional rules such as land for farming (bamimpi), thanksgiving during land clearing (baandak) and burning (manyalukut) where there is local wisdom in efforts to control fire during manyalukut activities such as making reserves, burning in the opposite direction of the wind, and guarding and controlling fire while burning so as not to spread