Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explain how the
exposure of the media in the community to COVID-19
prevention behavior
Research Methodology: The research design used is
quantitative research with cross sectional approach, which is
to analyze the relationship of an effect and variables or
characteristics that are found in the community at a certain
time with a sampling method in the form of Simple Random
Sampling. The population and sample in this study are
communities consisting of adults and adolescents in several
areas using instruments in the form of a Google Form
Results: The results showed that the p-value = 0.002, then
Ho's decision was rejected (p <0.05) meaning there was a
relationship between media exposure and Covid-19
preventive behavior. The presence of the media will greatly
assist the community in increasing their knowledge about
Covid-19 prevention.
Limitations: this study lasted for 3 months
Contribution: the results of this research can be useful for
Indonesian people in general