The aim of this study was to provide information on the distribution and determine the
strongest factors that influence the distribution of Baccaurea lanceolata. The identification of
these parameters in a particular ecosystem helps us implement appropriate management for
le p and future dev it of B. Jar tion and di pment. This study
used purposive sampling method by exploring the areas where B. lanceolata commonly
found. The geographic distribution of accessions was visualized with the DIVA-GIS program.
The relationship between environmental factors and B. lanceolata plants was analyzed using
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) which was generated from Minitab software version 16.
Based on field surveys, B. lanceolata plants were found in Gunung Raya, Hamak Timur,
Hamak Utara, Patika Lain, Batang Alai Timur, Marajai, Loksado, and Geronggang. The
results showed that the most important factors in the distribution of Limpasu in South
Kalimantan were altitude and air humidity.