: Malocclusion is dentofacial growth deviation from its normal size and shape, thus causing
abnormal occlusion. One of its etiology is heredity. Removable twin block, a functional appliance that can
be used in interceptive orthodontic treatment, can be used to treat Class II malocclusion with large
overjet in children during skeletal growth and development. Case: An 11-year-old boy came to pediatric
dental specialist clinic with Class II division 1 Angle malocclusion (SNA 82°; SNB 74°; ANB 8°, CVM CS
4, overjet 14 mm, overbite 7 mm, and convex profile). Removable twin block for Class II malocclusion
was chosen as the therapy. Case management: Removable twin block appliance with acrylic occlusal
bite block was used on maxilla and mandible separately. An angle of 70° was made in the occlusal bite
block, which was made based on the bite registration wax during centric occlusion. This device is used
24-hours a day. Monthly dental visit was done to reduce the maxillary and mandibular occlusal bite
blocks. After 9 months, an overjet of 5 mm was obtained. Cephalometry calculations became SNA 82°;
SNB 7 9 °; ANB 3 °. The patient was given further phase 2 treatment with fixed orthodontic
appliance. Conclusion: With proper case selection and good patient cooperation, removable twin block
appliance can correct skeletal malocclusion, improve facial profile, reduce overjet and overbite, and
correct molar relations