So far, most teachers only focus on the aspect of knowledge, while the assessment of the attitude aspect is only
done through the teacher's subjective observations. This study aims to develop an instrument in the form of a valid
and reliable student self-assessment to measure attitudes on indicators of self-confidence.The method used is
Research and Development (R&D) from Borg and Gall. This research was conducted at State Junior High School 7
Banjarmasin, with 200 students as the sample. Data collection techniques used in the form of a questionnaire. The
data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively with the help of SPSS version 25 program. Of the 35 instruments that
were tested on a small scale, there were 28 valid instruments and 7 invalid items because they had an rcount of
0.349 at a significance level of 5%. Of the 28 valid instruments, a large-scale trial was carried out with a sample of
200 students. The results of the analysis of 28 items using the product moment test, the results obtained that all
instruments were declared valid because all of them had rcount values > 0.138. From the 28 instrument items, it was
followed by a reliability test using Cronbach's alpha formula and obtained a value of 0.898 (high criteria). It can be
concluded that the 28 instruments are suitable to be used to assess the self-confidence of the students of SMP
Negeri 7 Banjarmasin.
Assessment Instruments; Confident Attitudes